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The vacuum forming process was first introduced in the 1930s and is still thriving in a growing number of applications. The thermoforming technique is one of the most common plastic processing methods. The process involves heating a sheet of plastic, covering it over a mold and applying vacuum pressure to wrap it around the mold. It is widely used in pastry industry, chocolate figures making, packaging industry and manufacturing. We offer different vacuum forming machines in Hong Kong, from a small and simple desktop models to industrial grade machines.
FormBox puts the industrial vacuum forming technology on the desktop. It can be powered by any household vacuum cleaner, and can be used with a variety of materials; It is fast, economical, versatile, and easy to use, quickly turns your imagination into reality and mass production.
FormBox HeatShield is an essential accessory for using Mayku Resin Sheets as well as other professional materials.
Traditionally, it costs $60,000 to make one mould, 500 MOQs and a production time of 6-8 weeks. With the intelligent desktop vacuum forming machine, it takes only 5 minutes to make just one! Professionalism and convenience, you no longer have to choose between the two, FORMART has reduced the size of industrial grade machines so you can save a lot of cost and time and turn your creativity into a promising business!
Traditionally, it costs $60,000 to make one mould, 500 MOQs and a production time of 6-8 weeks. With the intelligent desktop vacuum forming machine, it takes only 5 minutes to make just one! Professionalism and convenience, you no longer have to choose between the two, FORMART has reduced the size of industrial grade machines so you can save a lot of cost and time and turn your creativity into a promising business!
Mayku Pro Mesh是FormBox的超細金屬配件,由1.2mm不銹鋼製成,有1000多個小孔,讓更多空氣從真空成型模具周圍排出,相較FormBox的標準工作平台,升級後的Pro Mesh金屬平台能使成品更光滑,加工過程中模具和零件更緊密。
FormBox將工業用真空成型技術放上桌面,搭配使用真空成型幫浦/ 真空機(1/4HP),適用於灌冷媒抽真空、翻模、真空脫泡機,本體內部已內置逆止閥,保障氣體不回漏,吸力強勁超穩定!可與各種材料配合使用;快速、經濟、多功能且使用容易,快速將你的想像化為現實及量產,三帝瑪為Mayku FormBox台灣唯一總代理,更提供完整的技術維修及售後服務。
The brand new 300DT is Formech's smallest desktop machine to date. Keeping the functionality of its predecessor, the Compac Mini, the 300DT is smaller in volume and lighter than ever. Compared with other compact machines on the market, the 300DT comes with a quiet built-in vacuum pump and molding release. Easy to transport, move, and use, this 300DT is the perfect solution for creative hobbyists, artisans, and students.
Traditionally, the cost of making a single mould is high, the MOQ can be as high as 500 and the production process can take up to 6-8 weeks. With the intelligent Desktop Vacuum Former, it only takes 5 minutes to make just one! Professionalism and convenience, you no longer have to choose between the two. FORMART has reduced the size of industrial grade machines, allowing you to save a lot of cost and time and turn your creativity into a promising business!
Formech brings the latest technology and functionality to vacuum forming machines. The new 450DT features a high-resolution digital PLC and touch screen for easy and precise control. The display screen has ICONS that are easy to understand and intuitively controlled while making it easy to store and adjust project Settings.
真空成型幫浦/ 真空機(1/4HP)適用於真空成型機、灌冷媒抽真空、翻模、真空脫泡機,本體內部已內置逆止閥,保障氣體不回漏。