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3DMart HK can offer the usual 3D printing filaments like ABS, PLA, or PETG, but also many unusual and even surprising filaments. Now you can print out the texture like wood. Or use metal filament - it contains up to 70 percent metal powder and is polished to look like natural bronze, brass, or copper. Or you can try making plastic statues similar in looks to stone! For industry professionals we have industrial 3d printing materials that you will be interested in - Nylon, PC, Carbon Fiber filaments. We only represent the world's best quality brands and provide you with the best printing products!

ColorFabb GlowFill
Brand ColorFabb
Price 350 
Weight 750g

ColorFabb Corkfill
Brand ColorFabb
Price 320 
Weight 650g

特殊3D列印仿木材料 ColorFabb - Corkfill軟木色

ColorFabb不斷的擴大他們天然填充物3D列印線材的大家庭,趕快來看看這款最新的CorkFill軟木色,深褐的顏色充滿成熟韻味,也補足了Woodfill 和Bamboofill讓整個木製系列更加完美。

ColorFabb WoodFill Fine
Brand ColorFabb
Price 385 
Weight 600g

Colorfabb Stonefill Light Gray
Brand ColorFabb
Price 366 
Weight 700g

3D列印也能列印仿石材的表面,還有甚麼材質是做不了的呢?此款仿石材淺灰3D列印材料由荷蘭ColorFabb 3D列印機材料廠,用特定配方混合製作而成,成品表面與牆壁表面非常相似!更棒的是,啞光面令層綫更加隱形,看上去更迫真!而且配方中不含石粉,列印起來更加容易呢!

Ultimaker PVA 水溶性線材 - 2.85mm
Brand Ultimaker
Price 390 
Weight 350g-750g

Ultimakr PVA 對於需要印製複雜細節及多懸空物件的你是最好的選擇,專為Ultimaker 3 雙噴頭設計的PVA材料, 在與PLA 及尼龍搭配使用時能擁有絕佳附著度,讓您能完整呈現更複雜的設計。

Ultimaker TPU 95A Series
Brand Ultimaker
Price 580 
Weight 750g

Semi-flexible, abrasion resistant Ultimaker TPU (thermoplastic polyurethane) has a Shore hardness of 95A, an elongation at break of up to 580% and is semi-flexible, durable and resistant to chemical corrosion.

Ultimaker PETG Series - 2.85 mm
Brand Ultimaker
Price 390 
Weight 750g

Ultimaker PETG is a glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with chemical resistance to lubricants, oils, alcohols, acids and alkalis, and can withstand high levels of abrasion, chemical corrosion and high temperatures up to 76°C. It is available in 14 different properties and colours to suit different industrial environments, including the common basic colours of red, orange, yellow, green and blue, as well as translucent and fluorescent special colours, making for a very wide choice!

Ultimaker ABS Series - 2.85mm
Brand Ultimaker
Price 350 
Weight 0.75KG

UltiMaker ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) 3D printing material is formulated to minimize warping and ensure consistent interlayer adhesion. It is a great choice for creating functional prototypes and complex end-use parts.

Ultimaker Nylon Series - 2.85mm
Brand Ultimaker
Price 530 
Weight 750g

From toys to aerospace components, Ultimaker Nylon's abrasion resistance and toughness are recognised by engineers around the world and can be combined with PVA supports to reveal the intricacies of an object's design.

Ultimaker PC Series - 2.85mm
Brand Ultimaker
Price 530 
Weight 750g

Ultimaker PC (polycarbonate) 3D printing filaments produce tough finished products that can withstand temperatures up to 110º C and maintain dimensional stability. Ultimaker's PC is the perfect material for printing moulds, tools, functional prototypes and parts manufacturing!

Ultimaker PET CF Series
Brand Ultimaker
Price 890 
Weight 750g

UltiMaker adds PET Carbon Fiber for high-performance composite applications on S Series 3D Printers Easy-to-use and versatile, UltiMaker PET Carbon Fiber is ideal for a wide range of applications, from functional prototypes to manufacturing aids and replacement parts

ColorFabb CopperFill
Brand ColorFabb
Price 457 
Weight 0.75 kg

ColorFabb Bronzefill
Brand ColorFabb
Price 475 
Weight 0.75 kg

ColorFabb ASA Natural
Brand ColorFabb
Price 270 
Weight 650g

ColorFabb ASA(Acrylonitrile Styrene Acrylate)線材最重要的特性,是能穩定抗紫外線、96°C耐高溫,機械性能、加工性能、耐化學腐蝕性;和常見的ABS線材相似,不同的是ASA材料中添加了穩定劑,戶外耐用性、韌性在本質上有了改變,除了有良好的抗靜電性能,還可以有效抵抗紫外線的外力影響,非常適合需要長時間用於戶外的零件材料。

ColorFabb Carbon Fiber XT-CF20
Brand ColorFabb
Price 447 
Weight 750g

ColorFabb XT-CF20 - Contains over 20% specially sourced carbon fiber, lightweight and tough.

Ultimaker Breakaway
Brand Ultimaker
Price 530 
Weight 750g

Ultimaker Breakaway是用在雙噴頭3D列印的輔助材料。
專為方便3D列印體驗所做的設計,Breakaway與ABS、Nylon尼龍、PLA、CPE、CPE +等材料皆有良好附著力。

Ultimaker 3 Cleaning filament
Brand Ultimaker
Price 150 

Ultimaker 3 cleaning filament 清潔線材,是為了解決用戶清理噴頭上的困擾,尤其是 BBprint core可以更有效地清理乾淨,讓噴頭不再堵塞!

Ultimaker PP - Natural
Brand Ultimaker
Price 410 
Weight 500g

Ultimaker PP提供您出色的耐溫度,耐化學性和耐疲勞性。

ColorFabb PETG Economy Series
Brand ColorFabb
Price 466 
Weight 2200g

ColorFabb PETG is the economical choice for professional users and is the most suitable 3D printing cable for high volume 3D printing without the high cost. The excellent quality of the cable offers a very high price/performance ratio!

BuildTak Decal Applicator
Brand BuildTak
Price 50 

Take advantage of the official BuildTak Decal Applicator for perfect installation every time! With no bubbles or lumps, you'll get a smooth print surface every time!

Polymaker Samples box 1
Brand Polymaker
Price 170 
Weight 0.75kg

You can’t find the suitable filament for some special parts? Or is there too many kinds of filaments on the market, and the functions make you confused? Do not worry! Polymaker Samples Box can solve these problems.

Polymaker samples box 2
Brand Polymaker
Price 170 

If you have a 3D printer, but can’t find the suitable filament for specific project. Or if you want to see the difference between different filaments. Polymaker Samples Box-2 can help you.

Polymaker Polysupport white
Brand Polymaker
Price 300 
Weight 750g

PolySupport™是一種解決桌上型FDM / FFF 3D列印中最令人害怕的問題之一:支持材料。 PolySupport™能產生支撐結構,可以輕鬆地用手動移除。

PolyFlex™ TPU95 Series - 1.75mm
Brand Polymaker
Price 199 
Weight 750g

PolyFlex™ TPU95 is a flexible filament with a shore hardness of 95A which suits it perfectly to most flexible applications. Fine tuning the wall thickness and infill when printing can adjust the flexibility of your printed part. TPU95 is extremely durable and able to stretch more than 3 times its original length without breaking.

Polymaker Polysmooth Series
Brand Polymaker
Price 300 
Weight 750g

Polymaker's new product, PolySmooth™, is a new material that can be alcohol polished. Printing conditions are almost identical to PLA, with features such as ease of printing, extremely low warpage, good mechanical strength and easy removal of supports. to eliminate cross-hatching and create a smooth surface quality!

Polymaker Polylite ABS Series - 1.75mm
Brand Polymaker
Price 140 
Weight 1000g

Designed for reliable printing, PolyLite™ offers consistent performance, low odour and, most importantly, an affordable price while maintaining Polymaker's consistently high quality.

Polymaker-PolyMide CoPA Black
Brand Polymaker
Price 380 
Weight 750g

PolyMide™CoPA為尼龍6和尼龍6,6的共聚物。 線材具有卓越的強度、韌性和高達180°C的耐熱性。

Polymaker PolyMax™ PC-FR Black
Brand Polymaker
Price 420 
Weight 1000g

Industrial grade materials can be used to 3D print new applications in a variety of industries. Industrial products may require specific equipment and skills and PolyMax™, a range of high-end 3D printing consumables produced using Polymaker's nano-enhanced technology, offers excellent mechanical properties and print quality. PolyMax™ PC-FR, produced using Costco's Makrolon® range, achieves V0 performance in the UL94 flammability test and has excellent toughness, strength and heat resistance. It opens up new applications in the automotive, rail and aerospace industries.

Polymaker - PolyCast
Brand Polymaker
Price 350 
Weight 750g


Brand Polymaker
Price 360 
Weight 750g


PolyLite™ PETG Series - 1.75mm
Brand Polymaker
Price 140 
Weight 1000g

PolyLite™ PETG is an affordable PETG filament with balanced mechanical properties and ease of printing.

Ultrafuse®316L Metal Filament
Brand BASF
Price 4500 
Weight 3000g


Magigoo Original 3D Glue
Brand Magigoo
Price 250 

Magigoo Pro PC 3D Glue
Brand Magigoo
Price 250 


Magigoo Pro PP 3D Glue
Brand Magigoo
Price 250 


Magigoo Pro PA-3D Glue (For nylon)
Brand Magigoo
Price 250 

Magigoo系列是用於3D列印的專用膠水,專門用於在3D列印過程中維持穩定位置,並在列印完成後輕鬆移除,可以解決3D列印中一些困擾的問題;3D列印時,尼龍線材的附著力較低、翹曲率較高,Magigoo PC專為尼龍(聚酰胺纖維)線材而設計,冷卻後會相對容易移除,並且能輕鬆去除殘膠。

Magigoo Pro Flex 3D Glue
Brand Magigoo
Price 250 

Magigoo Pro Flex專為專業用途而設計,能與TPU(熱塑性聚氨酯)、TPE(熱塑性彈性體和TPC(熱塑性共聚酯)線材一起使用;將Magigoo Pro Flex塗抹於工作平台,可實現良好的附著力,冷卻後會相對容易移除,並且能輕鬆去除殘膠。

AquaSys® 120 Filament - 2.85mm
Brand Infinite
Price 1250 
Weight 500g

AquaSys ® 120是高性能的水溶性線材,具有高附著性,在高溫(120°C)下穩定性高,適合與ABS、PC / ABS、尼龍、TPU、CPE、PC和PP搭配使用;AquaSys 120線材在水中能迅速溶解,可在短時間內3D列印更多物件,適用於製作複雜結構的零件。

Brand IGUS
Price 490 
Weight 750g

IGUS®IGLIDER I150線材的耐磨性是一般3D列印線材的50倍,使用壽命非常長,適用於製作3D列印組合零件,例如軸承、驅動螺母、夾具、齒輪…等易磨損物件。

Bambu Lab ASA Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 260 

Whether you're looking to create durable custom parts or just want to try out a new filament, here's your must-have guide to Bambu Lab ABS 3D printing, available in 8 colours!

Bambu Lab PET-CF Black
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 400 
Weight 500g

Bambu ASA is a highly durable material that offers exceptional UV, weather, mechanical, and thermal resistance. Its unique combination of properties makes it an ideal material for printing outdoor models (plant signs, mailboxes, wind vanes, etc.) and structural parts that require long-term exposure to challenging outdoor conditions.

Bambu Lab PA6-CF 黑色
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 380 
Weight 500g

​Bambu PA6-CF 是一種碳纖維增強 PA6(尼龍 6)線材。碳纖維增強材料在乾燥環境中提供顯著高的剛性和強度特性,並維持卓越的耐熱性和抗衝擊性。與其他 Bambu CF 線材類似,這些出色的機械性能使其成為在乾燥環境中使用的列印夾具、夾具、汽車和機械部件以及各種結構和工程零件的理想選擇。

Bambu Lab PAHT-CF 黑色
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 440 
Weight 500g

​Bambu PA6-CF 是一種碳纖維增強 PA6(尼龍 6)線材。碳纖維增強材料在乾燥環境中提供顯著高的剛性和強度特性,並維持卓越的耐熱性和抗衝擊性。與其他 Bambu CF 線材類似,這些出色的機械性能使其成為在乾燥環境中使用的列印夾具、夾具、汽車和機械部件以及各種結構和工程零件的理想選擇。

Bambu Lab PLA Galaxy - Brown
Brand Bambu Lab
Original price 260
Price 150 
Weight 1000g

PLA Galaxy offering dynamic reflections and a glossy, smooth finish. Elevate your prints to new heights as they gleam with unparalleled brilliance from every angle, all while maintaining the ease of printing and exceptional strength and toughness you expect from PLA Basic.

Bambu Lab PLA Matte Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 170 
Weight 1000g

PLA Matte is the most commonly used material in 3D printing because it's easy to print and inexpensive. Meanwhile, its stiffness and strength can meet most printing needs. Bambu PLA Matte is designed for high speed printing. Compared to general PLA, it can easily achieve printing speeds up to 250-300 mm/s and has excellent toughness and Z-layer strength.

Bambu Lab PETG Translucent - Clear
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 170 
Weight 1000g

Bambu PETG Translucent has excellent printing characteristics. The specially tuned line minimises nozzle sticking, leakage and caking, which are common problems in the printing process, giving the user a worry-free experience. The cable is also waterproof, UV resistant and temperature resistant, making it an excellent choice for outdoor applications.

Bambu Lab PETG-HF Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 200 
Weight 1000g

PETG HF is a fully optimized PETG filament designed specifically for high speed printing. With a standard print speed that is twice as fast as standard PETG filaments, PETG HF takes your printing efficiency to new heights.

Bambu Lab PLA/PETG支撐材料 - 透明
Brand Bambu Lab
Weight 500g

Bambu Lab PLA - White (Refill)
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 150 
Weight 1000g

PLA is the most commonly used material in 3D printing because it's easy to print and inexpensive. Meanwhile, its stiffness and strength can meet most printing needs. Bambu PLA Basic is designed for high speed printing. Compared to general PLA, it can easily achieve printing speeds up to 250-300 mm/s and has excellent toughness and Z-layer strength.

Bambu Lab PLA Matte - Ash Grey (Refill)
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 150 
Weight 1000g

Bambu Lab ABS Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 170 

Whether you're interested in creating durable, custom parts, or just looking to experiment with a new filament, this ABS 3D printing guide is a must-watch. And remember, while ABS does have a unique smell when heated, no gas masks are required!

Bambu Lab PLA-CF Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 305 
Weight 1000g

Bambu PLA-CF 是碳纖維增強 PLA,具有更高的剛性和強度。PLA-CF 與一般 PLA 一樣易於列印且適合初學者。
​它與 AMS 相容,高速列印時堵塞風險低。列印件呈現霧面效果,幾乎看不見層線,這使其適合列印一般工程零件或需要更好外觀的模型,如自行車車架、支架和玩具。

Bambu Lab PC Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 345 
Weight 1000g

Bambu Lab PC 是一種優質的 3D 列印耗材,結合了出色的耐熱性及優異的機械性能,它的高抗衝擊強度和耐久性,適用於工程用途。配有高溫可重複使用線軸,共黑、白、透明三色

Bambu Lab PLA Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 170 
Weight 1000g

PLA is the most commonly used material in 3D printing because it's easy to print and inexpensive. Meanwhile, its stiffness and strength can meet most printing needs. Bambu PLA Basic is designed for high speed printing. Compared to general PLA, it can easily achieve printing speeds up to 250-300 mm/s and has excellent toughness and Z-layer strength.

Bambu Lab TPU 95A HF Series
Brand Bambu Lab
Price 450 

Bambu Support for PLA 是一款專門設計的分離式支架,可與任何類型的 PLA 配合使用,幾乎可以與任何類型的 PLA 配合使用。 它在打印具有橋樑或懸垂等特徵的對象時支持構建材料,並且必須在 Bambu Lab AMS(自動材料系統)或雙擠出機打印機中列印。 Bambu Support for PLA 通過接口與 PLA 配合使用,可以用手或工具輕鬆乾淨地去除,無需進一步的後期處理! 它的易用性和兼容性使得移除支撐變得更加容易。

Polymaker Polylite PLA Series - 1.75mm
Brand Polymaker
Price 150 
Weight 1000g

Designed for reliable printing, PolyLite™ offers consistent performance, low odour and, most importantly, an affordable price, while maintaining Polymaker's consistently high quality.

Polymaker Polylite PLA Silk Series - 1.75mm
Brand Polymaker
Price 175 
Weight 1000g

PolyLite™ PLA is a reliable 3D printing material with a color ranges. It features high tensile strength and rigidity paired with great printability and outstanding printing characteristics.

Brand ESUN(易生)
Price 145 
Weight 1000g

PLA+ 3D printing filament from Esun, one of the world's leading manufacturers! PLA+: a biodegradable and environmentally friendly material made from corn, with better stiffness, gloss, transparency and 10 times higher toughness than normal PLA, it is less prone to stretch during printing and the finished product has a smoother and more delicate surface that is less prone to cracking and warping. This makes PLA+ ideal for printing multifunctional parts!

Ultimaker PLA Series - 2.85mm
Brand Ultimaker
Price 350 
Weight 750g

PLA (polylactic acid) is versatile, easy to 3D print, available in 11 colors, has a good surface texture and can be used with the Cura slicing software for optimal end product quality. It can also be used on other FDM machines in addition to Ultimaker machines.

Ultimaker Tough PLA Series - 2.85mm
Brand Ultimaker
Price 390 
Weight 750g

Ultimaker Tough PLA is a technical PLA (polylactic acid) material similar in toughness to ABS and can reliably print functional prototypes and molds in larger sizes. The Tough PLA is the same as the ordinary PLA, providing the same security and ease of use.

PolyMax™ PLA Black
Brand Polymaker
Price 210 
Weight 750g

PolyMax™ PLA is the pinnacle of our PLA range, mechanically outperforming ABS while still carrying the ease of use printing characteristics of PLA. Compared to regular PLA, PolyMax™ PLA has 5 times the durability, allowing your 3D printed parts to absorb impacts without displaying brittle failure modes.

ColorFabb Economy PLA Series - 1.75mm
Brand ColorFabb
Price 405 
Weight 2200g

PLA, the most common FDM/FFF hot melt stackable 3D printing filament, comes in many varieties and brands, but most of them are bioplastics, and ColorFabb brings you improved PLA 3D printing filament, with modifications and improvements to the PLA material, whether it's a less tough PLA/PHA compound, a unique range of colours with Colour on Demand, or the addition of materials such as bronze or wood to PLA. Whether it's a less tough PLA/PHA compound, the unique colour palette of Colour on Demand, or the addition of materials such as bronze or wood to PLA, ColorFabb is no longer just standard PLA, but specially processed and exclusive 3D printing filament!

BotFeeder neo-PLA™ Series
Brand BotFeeder
Price 190 
Weight 1000g

neo-PLA™ is an advanced version of PLA, derived from BotFeeder's valuable user feedback and professional suggestions from many machine manufacturers over the past few years. From the team's professional knowledge of the material, the accumulation of up to 30,000 hours of 3D printing experience, and discussions and exchanges between many users and machine manufacturers, after half a year of development and testing, BotFeeder has BotFeeder has launched an evolved version of PLA "neo-PLA™".

ColorFabb PLA-HP Silver Series
Brand ColorFabb
Price 270 
Weight 750g

If you're looking for excellent high temperature resistance, 134C HDT, with the easy to print properties of PLA, Colorfabb PLA-HT 3D printing cables will fit your needs! No more annealing, the desired temperature resistance is achieved right after printing. For example, it is now possible to wash printed samples in the dishwasher or leave them in the car on hot summer days. In general, Colorfabb PLA-HT retains its functionality even under high temperature conditions. The wire formulation is 100% bio-based.

NinjaFlex - Midnight (Black) TPU Filament
Brand NinjaFlex
Price 390 
Weight 0.5 kg

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