Ultimaker PETG Series - 2.85 mm
— Avaliable for 14 Colors
‣ Red ‣ Blue ‣ Yellow ‣ Green ‣ Orange
‣ Black ‣ White ‣ Grey ‣ Silver ‣ Transparent
‣ Blue Translucent ‣ Green Translucent ‣ Red Translucent ‣ Yellow Fluorescent
Ultimaker PETG is a glycol-modified polyethylene terephthalate (PET) with chemical resistance to lubricants, oils, alcohols, acids and alkalis, and can withstand high levels of abrasion, chemical corrosion and high temperatures up to 76°C. It is available in a wide range of 14 different properties and colours suitable for use in a variety of industrial environments, including basic colours such as red, orange, yellow, green and blue, as well as special colours such as semi-transparent and fluorescent, so there is plenty to choose from!

Key Features:
.Chemical Resistance
Ultimaker PETG filaments are chemically resistant to lubricants, oils, alcohols, acids and alkalis, as well as being waterproof and stable in humid environments, making them suitable for industrial parts that require long term operation such as sensors and colour coding aids.
.Resistant to Abrasion and High Temperatures
Ultimaker PETG is compatible with water-soluble PVA and Breakaway filaments. Compared to traditional PLA and Tough PLA filaments, Ultimaker PETG is the most suitable for a wide range of applications and can be used to make a variety of industrial parts, tools and sample prototypes; Ultimaker PETG has good mechanical properties and can withstand high levels of abrasion, chemical corrosion and high temperatures up to 76°C (230°F).

.14 Colours
Ultimaker PETG is available in 14 different colours to suit different industrial environments, including common basic colours such as red, orange, yellow, green and blue, as well as translucent and fluorescent special colours! Versatile and easy to print!
.Perfect for Everyone
Ultimaker PETG is one of the easiest 3D printing materials on the market, with excellent adhesion, anyone can start 3D printing easily and quickly with Ultimaker PETG, setting the standard for enterprise-level industrial use.
Ultimaker PETG Series - 14 Colors and Samples
PETG Series - Orange PETG Series - Silver
PETG Series - Blue Translucent PETG Series - Red
PETG Series - Red Translucent PETG Series - Blue
PETG Series - Green PETG Series - Green Translucent
PETG Series - Grey PETG Series - Transparent
PETG Series - White PETG Series - Yellow
PETG Series - Yellow Fluorescent PETG Series - Black