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In 3D scanning, objects need to be stitched together at various angles to form a seamless model. If the object area is large, the curved surface turns more, or the features are not apparent, it may lead to the object positioning is not accurate. SHINING 3D scanning consumables can help you work more smoothly.
3D掃描需要將物件各種不同的角度縫合成一個無縫的模型,若碰上物件面積較大、曲面轉折多或者特徵不明顯的情況,可能導致物件定位不準確;使用SHINING 3D-EinScan 掃描定位貼紙,均勻的在物件上貼上標點,可以幫助掃描器將您的物件定位!適用機型:Shining 3D-Einscan H/HX 3D掃描器

Brand 3DMart
Price 1500 

3D掃描需要將物件各種不同的角度縫合成一個無縫的模型,若碰上物件面積較大、曲面轉折多或者特徵不明顯的情況,可能導致物件定位不準確;使用SHINING 3D-EinScan 掃描定位貼紙,均勻的在物件上貼上標點,可以幫助掃描器將您的物件定位!適用機型:Shining 3D-Einscan H/HX 3D掃描器
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